Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Where oh Where has the Bernat Yarn gone?

I went to two different stores today looking Bernat Softee Chunky yarn in black. After being unsuccessful pounding the pavement under the hot New Mexico sun I decided to let my fingers do the walking on the internet.

In Russia my choices are limited and I am used to that. I have two stores to go to and that is that.

At Bernat.com there is a store locator and to my surprise one of the stores that I went to was listed as having this yarn. I have several other store options but, I won't rush out the door in the morning....

My lesson for the day:

Check the internet and then call to see if they have what you are looking for. Gas is too expensive to run from store to store... and the time in car is time I could spend crocheting at home!



Blogger Oldqueen44 said...

What kinds of things do you crochet?

4:15 PM  
Blogger Oldqueen44 said...

Oops, didn't scroll down far enough before asking a question. Nice work.

4:17 PM  

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