Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Lavendar Shawl

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I am going to be taking this project with me to Kiev. It is colder there. So this will come in handy when it is complete. I will use this as a head covering if needed. I really don't want anything to heavy.

I wrote about head covering last year when we were in Odessa, Ukraine.

You can read it here:
Head covering is not a pratice in my church but, in the Baptist church and in the Orthodox church it is done. So even if we just go to an Orthodox church to look at the artwork I have to cover my head and be wearing a skirt to be allowed in the church.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What do I pack for Kiev?

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I haven't decided all of what to pack but I do believe this book is a priority! We will be in Kiev, Ukraine for 2 full weeks. I want to learn some new stitches while we are gone. That means this book is a must for my suitcase... and perhaps I will throw in a few clothes and my Russian homework!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

the month is coming to an end!

September cannot come soon enough. For some reason I made a commitment to only use the yarn I have on hand for the month of August... this started off being a fun thing to do. That is until I went to the craft store here on Friday.

I walked out with only a new book on crocheting and terms (in Russian) and a new hook. However, it was a close call. I saw all the beautiful new colors and textures all around me and I almost caved in. I need prayer on this... it is Saturday morning and that store is calling my name!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Signs from God

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I got this in an email from my friend Barb in California. I thought it was very clever! My favorite is "Don't make me come down there!"

Monday, August 21, 2006

When do you find the time?

We had guests this morning from Kirov. It is a city north of us. They have a one year old daughter and the mom was saying that she has no time for cross stitch anymore. I am so grateful that my children are beyond the age where they need my constant supervision.

I can pick up my crocheting or knitting project anytime of day or night I want. The hard part for me is putting it down to cook dinner or go to bed!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Completed project!

I only used yarn I had available. I thought about ripping it out and doing the stripes over... but I am just going to leave it like this. It was my first triangle, first time not specifically buying yarn for a project and first time using a symbol pattern. I will take it to Ukraine with me. Last year it got a little chilly when we were in Odessa. And we attended the Baptist Church in town and I had to keep my head covered. I don't know what kind of church we will find in Kiev.

This shawl may be a little to heavy for a head covering but since I only have to put it over my head during prayer I may be able to use it anyway!
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Friday, August 18, 2006

crocheted necklace

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I finally found one of the projects that I completed while we were traveling in 2005.  I made this while staying in New Mexico with hubby's folks.  I crocheted 9 separate stands and then braided 3 separate cords of three together and then all of them together.  I don't remember what magazine it is from. Now I need to find something to wear it with!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Shawl Progression

This is where I am so far on my shawl.
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I think I can finish it up in a few days... or

maybe tomorrow since I don't have school!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Russian Pattern in the works!

I found the newest issue of my favorite
crochet magazine here in Russia!
Malenkaya Diana (little Diana)

Triangular Shawl

this is what I have completed so far:

This is the first time I have tried a symbol pattern. My language helper Lena was very excited that I actually understood the skehma! (pattern). It is not as hard as I thought it would be.

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

my favorite color is lime green

I have loved lime green for a long time.

I even own a lime green leather jacket.

Have you ever seen someone in an outfit in your favorite color that made you go "eeeeewwww!"??

I was riding the trolleybus to school this afternoon and I look up and this woman in a lime green crocheted pants suit gets on. Okay so I love crochet and I love lime green BUT a lime green crocheted pantsuit... YUCK!

I did love her lime green sandals... they were styling!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

christmas stocking hidden in purse!

It was so hot when I was in Assisi.
I had the choice of hanging out in internet cafes
or churches to keep cool. I worked on this for a bit
inside St. Francis Basilica! I took pictures and I
crocheted in church... how naughty was that?
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Monday, August 07, 2006

Made a button!

My son thinks he is no longer needed because I actually did most of this by myself... he did tell me the most important piece though.

After I made the button I had to "save as" and then the next step was to put it on photobucket so that I could put it on my blog from there. Skipping that step just gives you the code printed out on the blog and not the actual picture of the button.

After that I followed the tutorial at crocheville and it actually works!

It is fun learning how to do technical things... now if I could just finish some of my unfinished projects I would really be a happy woman!

challenge complete!

I did my first Crochet-Along. I finished up 85 -- 4 inch squares. I was not doing the right size to compete for a prize. It was all about actually participating with a group of crocheters.

I was able to use up some of the yarn that I moved with me from California to Russia. I am dedicating this month to using what I have. That means that when we take our trip to Ukraine in September I will have saved up money for new yarn from Kiev! If anyone knows of a great store there let me know!

Here is a new word added to my vocabulary last night from a Russian crochet pattern...петля (pet-lia) it means loop. My goal is to have a complete crochet vocabulary so that I can tackle the Russian patterns I have picked out.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

russian crochet patterns

I love this website:

I love this hat!:

I was browsing for Russian patterns and finally sound this site. On the main page a link to machine translation is available. I have purchased a few Russian crochet and knitting magazines and books and I am getting better at reading symbols.

My original intention was sharing the items I have purchased with those who cannot afford them. It has been great fun sitting with a cup of tea and my books and magazines spread out with various women. I have enjoyed chatting about what they would like to make. Now there are a few projects that I hope to tackle for myself. The hat being one of them!

Friday, August 04, 2006

My first grannies! I read about how to connect them and made a scarf for myself. Yep, I am actually going to keep this one... I think!

I just signed up for a weekend CAL over at Crochetville (see sidebar for link) and that means more squares. The goal is to see how many you can make over the weekend.

I am off to work on more grannies!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Here is the black Christmas stocking I made for my oldest son. He thinks it is cool!

I simply followed the pattern for a toe up sock and just kept going until it was stocking length.

The stitch pattern was single crochet in the back loops only. And then several rows of alternating single crochet, double crochet (the textured looking rows are done this way).

My son knows the true meaning of Christmas... that has never been an issue. I just wanted to give him something that fits his personality. He never wears anything that is not black!

Little Knit Purse

I made this little purse for Rhianna with some

of the yarn I bought...the handle is crocheted of course!

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lucious yarn!

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here is the yarn I finally chose!

Ago, Filo, e...

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Here is the outside of the store.

Ago (ah-go) is needle. Filo (fee-low) is thread and e (eh) is and!

Yarn Store in Assisi

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I had a great time choosing yarn in this store. I am still looking through my receipts to find the exact address. If you are in Assisi and you go to Santa Maria Degli Angeli church... just walk up the street going toward the train tracks. If you get to McDonald's you have gone too far!